Home Rental Options
Unlimited Sessions
While there is no limit to the number of sessions that can be run with these machines, any one person should not exceed two sessions a day. This is an ideal option for someone who wants to run a series of intensive sessions in their home, or for families, couples or roommates who can share the machine.
Cost: $1,000 plus hst for the first month. If rental is extended with the same renter the price is reduced to $800 plus hst for the second month.
Limited Sessions
This rental includes 20 sessions with additional sessions being optional. It is usually rented by a single person looking to complete a series of sessions on their own.
For the most part, rentals can be picked up at the Thedford locaition. Machines can also be delivered if within a reasonable distance or shipping within Canada is a possibility. Shipping charges within Canada are now included in the rental fee.
(519) 639-8453
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